A new short film by BCMG and Augie Starr Pictures wins first awards.
Inspired by true events of 1999, when a 3-year-old girl dies as the result of NATO's "collateral damage" in Yugoslavia (today's Serbia), the short one-location minimalist drama explores one man's internal struggles related to his war actions.
Starring Ohio's indie film legend Rick Montgomery Jr and talented Cecilia Tolbert, the film aims to educate, provoke, and start up conversation about war's dark consequences and effects on human mind and the lives of innocent civilians throughout the world.
The film had several public showings, including Los Angeles CineFest's monthly contest (semi-finalist), 13th Colony Short Film Festival, 24th Indie Gathering Festival, Short-Sweet Film Fest, Ohio Independent FF and more. After its global festival run, the film will be released on Amazon Prime (late 2020).
-- Official IMDb for film.